Same Day Bridge

Same Day Bridge

Same Day CrownsSame Day Bridge

One of the services we offer at Precise Dental is Same Day Bridges. Weather the tooth is missing or needs to be removed we can replace that missing tooth the same day with a new beautiful bridge. First, the teeth next to the space are prepared for abutment crowns that will support the bridge. Then, a special camera scans the teeth to create a three dimensional image of the area to restore. We then use that image to design and create your custom bridge right here in the office. You don't have to go though the discomfort of impressions and a temporary bridge - simply wait until we're finished and leave with your new bridge.

We understand that your time is precious, and that spending extra time in the dentist's office is not necessarily your idea of a good time. That's why we work to make your visits here comfortable and efficient, and provide the treatment you need in as few appointments as possible. We are able to help the process along by observing the latest technological advancements in the industry, and employing a team that is highly trained and experienced.

Call Precise Dental today at 520-477-0303 to learn more about the crowns we can design for your teeth.

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